Pitch decks, posters, and media that KILL.

Who we are

CHRIS PITTAS is a graphic artist with decades of experience in narrative illustration and design. He’s also an award-winning screenwriter, filmmaker and script consultant. With KILLER DECKS he combines all his artistic skills to bring you exactly the graphic and written content your project needs.

CHRISTINE BOWER has worked as a senior designer at Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and a long list of major tech companies. She brings her dedication to the highest standards of design and her fluency in the language of executive decision-makers to KILLER DECKS and your project.

Our Proprietary Process

We use a combination of AI, photos and digital painting to custom-tailor images to your exact specifications. We consult, deliver concepts, then make proofs and final designs based on your feedback.

Contact us

Product catalog

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Check out additional script services at KILLER NOTES.

Movie Posters

Movie Posters are the graphic embodiment of your script. Whether you’re looking to have your script produced or have a finished project in the can, a great poster is vital to promoting and selling your work. Posters are delivered in proper hi-res format, suitable for printing or uploading to any platform. Turnaround is about a week from start to finish. Posters are available for a limited time at the intro price of $200.

Pitch Decks

Pitch Decks convey the essential core of your script, the story, and feel of your project, plus a brief bio in a dynamic, well-designed package that will wow potential producers. Turnaround is about a week from start to finish. Our 6-page mini-decks are available for a limited time at the intro price of $300.


Lookbooks are more comprehensive Pitch Decks, expanding the story to include a detailed summary and including character descriptions with accompanying “dreamcast” headshots, a storyboard of a pivotal scene from your screenplay with realistic concept “movie stills”, a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, and “Why Now?” analysis illustrating the urgent relevance of your project. Turnaround is about 2 weeks from start to finish. Our 12-page Lookbooks are available for a limited time at the intro price of $500.